Friday 23 November 2007

Norma with the flu, Happy Birthday, Football and the Wild Life....

Norma is not very well so I am going to cut this a bit short, Norma is coming down with the flu.

Oh happy birthday Jeanette.

I was pulled up by David for not mentioning the football yesterday but to be honest I was not happy about N.Ireland going out.

Today I see that England have dropped out of the top 10 seedings so like the rest of the home nations teams could end up playing very difficult teams.

Scotland have slipped a bit but N.Ireland have gained places with Wales staying the same. Should make the draw for the 2010 very interesting this coming Sunday.

Well what a beautiful day it is today in Manchester.

Outside my study window I look out on some trees, one of which I have attached some nuts and fat for the birds. A short while ago about 20 or so little birds came along, very small gray/green plumage and had a good feed, taking turns of hanging from the mesh holding the food. I am going to have to get the ladder out again as I have realised that a Robin was unable to feed from the hanging/swinging food. I will attach some food to the main trunk just above a branch.

We are very fortunate as we live very close to Manchester City Center to have a very interesting urban wildlife population, Fox's, Duck's, Owl, Rabbits etc.

Traa dy looar

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