Thursday 10 September 2009

Thursday Team, Nurse

Today, I was having a good day at work. I have been running 30 people while I am ill and with agreement this is to be reduced to 17 or so. The Team I have left me have been spread around so that they can have the support that they require and I know that they have gone to good Managers.

The Team I have now, they are recognised as the best, they are on the whole an easy Team to Manage as they are so good, again a reflection of the support my Bosses are giving to me and I thank them for their continuing support.

I left work to meet my nurse, to have my dressing changed, my line drained and stitches taken out, I called to see what was happening to be informed that they may be late or have to come tomorrow, at this time tomorrow is the only option, I have no health issue about the delay but
could have stayed on at work and got something more done. OK call me a workaholic, when you cannot have something it just makes you want it more.

My mate, Ted is on the mend after food poisoning and I have spoken to him and his lovely Wife Jackie, they are in Southport taking the air and a couple of pints if I know them, although neither will drink and drive, I wonder who will be drinking.

Norma and I are going to stay for a couple of days in the North Euston Hotel, in Fleetwood, where we can visit the Blackpool Illuminations.

Traa dy liooar

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