Monday 10 December 2007

Lincoln, Family visit and waiting

Norma and I returned from a very nice visit to Lincoln. Norma's Sister and Family looked after us very well. We went out for an Indian Meal last night I cannot remember the last time I was in an Indian Restaurant, it was probably over a year ago, we tend to go Chinese.

Lincoln have a very good Christmas Market, lots of local and European contributors. If you have never been to Lincoln and you are in to church's and cathedrals, please make the effort to visit, you really can go back in time, it is very must on a par with the likes of Chester & York and I am sure lots of other towns that I have yet to visit.

The visit of my Son and Family was thrown into doubt over the weekend but is now back on, we have a concern over the ferry as it has been a bit hit and miss with its forward thrusters, ooh aah missus's.

I am sat waiting on the outcome of my interviews from last week expect one outcome Tuesday the other no later than Friday.

Seihll as slaynt da'n slane lught-thie
(Long life and health to the whole household)


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