Tuesday 6 March 2012

Things looking brighter, some action on the horizon...

Wednesday 7th March (update)

Doctors have been around. I am due to go back on the once a day antibiotic called Ertapenem. This requires funding but as this has been granted once before I envisage no issues. The crew here have said that I will be observed for 2 or 3 days, just in case any reactions. I am still allowed out but am hanging back today just to see what is happening. My team here in North Manchester are arranging an appointment for me with my cancer team. Although I am not getting treatment of any kind at the moment I am very positive. GOOD TIMES ARE JUST ROUND THE CORNER.


Since Saturday, I have been getting out of hospital and home on a daily basis. Returning back to the ward in the early evening, to receive my second daily dose of anti biotic, that is given me via a cannula in my arm from an Intravenous drip therapy, click here for more information.

After the Doctors ward round today I have been taken off my normal anti biotic (look at archives for name of this) and I will now be given a different type of anti biotic, which I need to be given by drip but only once a day, as an outpatient. Yes, this is back to where I was a few weeks back. Back to outpatients wards, J5 & J3 at the weekends.

As I have written before, I have volunteered my time to raise awareness of spotting the early sign's of cancers. Can I ask you, if you have any place you can put up a poster, say work, your local pub, local supermarket ect. Let me know and I will do what I can to get you a poster/information to display. I will also if I can attend and answer any questions that people may like to ask. I think the very sight of me will make people think twice about not checking themselves out for cancer. You should check yourself out today!

Please contact me if you have any questions, feel free  to direct anyone with questions to me. If I cannot answer the question I have a great network of people who can answer questions. 

Find my twitter account loads of cancer contacts and info, Manxman53 twitter name.

Yesterday being Monday, I had a photo shoot with a guy from the Manchester Evening News, link. I can only presume that the coming article, should appear on the health page.

The Christie are also running a piece on my cancer journey, to be published soon. The Christie, link.

I will publish articles when they become available and ask you to spread the word. Become a part of making others aware of spotting the early sign's of cancer. Macmillan, cancer information. Link. Cancer Research UK. cancer information. Link.

Traa dy liooar.

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